Soledad Córdoba (Avilés, 1977)
Soledad Córdoba is an artist who uses photography as a means to represent new realities and as a tool to raise questions about the existence of human beings. Her work is centred on the idea of transcending reality through the poetics of the image with photographs stripped of their particularity, places, settings and characters (self-portraits) taken away from any objective definition but converted into signs, nodes and links by a universe that is detached from reality and which merges with the imaginary, the poetic and the evocative. Her latest works are intimately linked to the elements of nature as an invitation to reflect on it and to the silent dialogue between the human being who inhabits it, observes it and sometimes hurts it. Her works always run close to dreamlike states with a clear intention of creating visual poetry where beauty, silence, pain, fear, isolation and search are present.
Doctor in Fine Arts from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her artistic training and research has been supported through grants and residency stays in Paris (Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris), London (TATE Britain, The Hyman Kreitman Research Centre), Madrid (Casa de Velázquez) and Barcelona (Hangar, Centre de produó d’arts visuals i multimédia). Her artistic career is backed up by various photography and plastic arts awards, including the first El Cultural photography prize awarded by the newspaper El Mundo, the first plastic arts prize awarded by the Complutense University Foundation and the Madrid City Council Young Creators Competition.