Hilo tras hilo

Isabella Despujols
From October 30th until December 10th 2024

Created in 2024, this set of works presented by the Venezuelan artist Isabella Despujols, based in Brazil, does not reveal itself at first glance. While the technical rigor and the play of colors embroidered on the fabric immediately cause fascination and astonishment, a closer look reveals the calculated, architectural and, above all, sensitive process that the artist undertakes. She creates, designs, projects, transposes, embroiders and finishes, carefully taking care of each part of the process.

Her works do not prioritize form to the detriment of color, or vice versa; everything has the same weight, as does the gaze of herself and her audience, who are active actors in the incessant construction of the meaning of the works. It is as if Isabella Despujols invited us to her long meditation on forms and interactions with colors, almost like a scientific and perceptive adventure.

Her dialogue with concrete, optical and kinetic artistic languages ​​is still visible, driving forces in Venezuela, Brazil and other countries since the last century that have served as triggers for Despujols’ production. These languages ​​are mobilized and articulated by the artist, who has an enormous theoretical background and a mastery of techniques that range from geometric and kinetic lexicon to the practice of embroidery, balancing form and color.

Despujols’ embroidered “paintings” connect thread after thread places, nations, everyday experiences, times and ancient knowledge. In addition, she reiterates that artistic avant-gardes are recurrent, rethought and updated by summoning our sensitivity and attention in the present through colorful threads, closed and open forms, and unexpected juxtapositions.

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